​State Land Administration and Management

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Description of the service
The Survey Division is responsible, inter alia, for the State Land management generally with regard to land leased for various purposes (residential, industrial, tourism related projects etc. ) and renewal, transfer, survey and pledging of rights for loan purposes.
How it is attained/achieved? 
Request for the above services must be submitted to the Ministry. The case is then processed by the Ministry and submitted for the Minister's approval. Subsequently, the party is informed of the decision.
 Contact Persons 
The Public Relations Unit. Tel No: 4016808. 
Land Acquisition for Government Projects
Description of the service
Where State Lands are not available, as is most often the case, the Survey Division helps in identifying privately owned lands for acquisition for other Ministries. Once the go ahead is obtained for the acquisition, the Survey Division takes the front stage in all the legal procedures up to payment of compensation to the owners.   

 How it is attained/achieved?

The Applicant Ministry has to submit a formal request for the acquisition of the land and give details of its project, extent required, application date of implementation etc.
Contact Persons
The Chief Surveyor
Tel No: 4031424 
Application for a Droit de Surélévation


Description of the service

The Application for a " Droit de Surélévation " is the right given to a sitting lessee to grant a " Droit de Surélévation " to another person ( restricted to a close relation of the lessee ) over the existing building on site. The right is granted up to the first floor only for the time being.
How it is attained/achieved?
The Applicant has to submit the prescribed form, supported by the agreement of 
 the Lessee. 
Download form for "Application for a Droit de Surélévation 
On approval, the applicant will be requested to submit a duly registered notarial 
deed within a period of 6 months as from the date of letter conveying approval to
witness the grant of the said " Droit de Surélévation " and the " réglement de 
The lease of the sitting lessee will be amended as from the date of notarial deed.

 Contact Persons
The Chief Surveyor
Tel No: 4031424
Any fees to be paid :
On amendments of lease, Rs 1000 will be claimed over and above the existing rent from the ​sitting lease.