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Sale of State Land and assistance to owners of EX-CHA houses

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Sale of Ex-CHA houses

There are 19442 owners of ex-CHA ​​houses across the island. In order to empower these families to take full responsibility of their assets, Government introduced the "Right to Buy" policy in 2007 to enable the sale of State Land on which stood the CHA houses, against payment of a nominal amount of Rs 2000 to Government.

Application is made in prescribed form at the Housing Management Unit (HMU) of the Ministry of Housing and Lands. 


Assistance to owners of ex-CHA housing unit who are facing difficulties in acquiring their plot of land

In 2012, it was found that a number of vulnerable families, particularly lone mothers, could not benefit from this policy due to financial difficulties. Such vulnerable lessees of ex-CHA Housing Estates are assessed on a case to case basis and if found eligible, they are granted the land free of charge through a waiving of the purchase price of Rs 2000 and registration fees. Also, fees for the Notary and for the survey of the plot of land are met by Government.​

Application is made in prescribed form at the Housing Management Unit (HMU) of the Ministry of Housing and Lands.​