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Planning Clearance
| Town and Country Planning Act
National Development Strategy
| Planning and Development Act
Proclaimed Sections: Part I, Section 5 of Part II, Sections 12, 13, 14, 15 and 19 of Part III, Sections 62, 63(subsections 2, 4, 5 and 6), 64, and 65 of Part XI, Sections 67, 68(1)(f), 70 and 75 (subsections 2, 4) of Part XII
Planning Policy Guidance (PPGs)
Action Area Plan (AAP)
The Planning Division
The main function of the Planning Division is to prepare and review the planning instruments including National Development Strategy (NDS), Planning Policy Guidance (PPGs) and Action Area Plans/Master Plans to be used by local authorities and other institutions whilst granting permits and licences. The Planning Division also contributes to the Ministry's responsibility for the management of State lands through development control and grant of planning clearances on leased State lands.
The Planning Division operates in conjunction with two other technical divisions of the Ministry, namely, the Housing Division and the Survey Division. The main function of the Planning Division is to prepare and review the planning instruments including the National Development Strategy (NDS).
The Division is housed at Ebene Tower, Cybercity, Ebene. The Planning Division, being a technical section of the Ministry, advises the Minister on the optimal use of our scarce land resources.
The Division is headed by the Chief Town and Country Planning Officer. The staff is composed of 2 Deputy Chief Town and Country Planning Officers who assist the Chief Planner, 6 Principal Town and Country Planning Officers, each heading a cell. Each cell is composed of a Senior Town and Planning Officer, Town and Country Planning Officers and Development Control Officers.
Support staffs comprise Technical Design Officers and Planning Registry with Management Support Officers.
The mission of the Planning Division is to promote the planned development of the territory of Mauritius, where it will be pleasant to live and work, where business can thrive and prosper and where the natural beauty of the country will be preserved for the enjoyment of generations to come.
The main objective of the Division is to have a modern and dynamic town planning system that:-
• Optimises the use of Mauritius’ scarce land resources
• Encourages and facilitates the ease of doing business and investment in the country
• Responds to new emerging planning challenges that Mauritius faces as a small island developing State
• Meets visions of the New Urban Agenda adopted at the UN Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development Habitat III 2016 and Sustainable Development Goals adopted at the UN Sustainable Development Summit 2015
The Planning Division is also responsible for the preparation of a National Development Strategy for the Island of Mauritius. The NDS provides the national planning framework of Mauritius over a twenty year horizon. It lays the basis for the formulation of the Ouline Planning Schemes for the 7 rural and 5 urban local authorities. It is geared towards effective monitoring of physical development and environmental management at local level; and to provide a spatial framework for public sector investment programme.
Status: A review of the National Development Strategy is presently being carried out by the Planning Division.
The National Development Strategy (NDS) is available in hard copy and soft copy on CDROM at the Procurement and Supply Office.
Price MUR 2500 (exclusive of packing and posting)
Planning Policy Guidance establishes a set of performance criteria and design standards that are applicable to most forms and scales of development for use by individual site owners, developers of major projects and for assisting Governement and Local authorities when considering permit applications.
The Planning Policy Guidance (PPGs) are available in hard copies and soft copies on CDROM at the Procurement and Supply Office. The Ministry has so far issues 8 PPGs.
Any Developement proposal to be carried out should comply with the provisions in the relevant statutory planning instruments. As per the Planning and Development Act1. An Action Area Plan is prepared with the main objective to set out the policies, programmes and proposals for the future direction of development in a specific area.
Sections 14 and 15 of the Planning and Development Act (PDA) 2004 have been proclaimed to provide for the preparation of Development Plans, one of which being an Action Area Plan and the proclaimed Section 19 of the PDA grants the power to the Minister to cause to be prepared an Action Area Plan. In accordance with Section 14(5) of the Planning Scheme to the extent of any inconsistency.
1The Planning and Development Act (PDA) 2004 has partially been proclaimed.
Price MUR 2000 (exclusive of packing and posting)
The OPS include policies and proposals related to particular subject matter and land use type for the respective council areas. OPS also consists of Developmentt Management Maps. These maps indicate settlement and Zones where development are likely to be permitted. The respective Council is the main agency responsible to implement the relevant scheme.
According to the Town and Country Planning Act , the Town and Country Planning Board is responsible for the preparation of Outline Schemes. However, since the Town and Country Planning is not staffed with planners, the responsibility of preparing such Outline Schemes devolves upon the Planning Division of this Ministry. The Planning Division has recently reviewed of the Outline Planning Schemes for the City Council Area of Port-Louis and four Municipal Council Areas. The review of the Outline Planning Schemes will be effected once the current review of the National Development Strategy is completed.
Contact Person:
Manager, Procurement and Supply
Procurement Supply Office
Level 2, Ebene Tower, Ebene
Cybercity 72201,
Tel No: (230) 401 6808
Fax No: (230) 468 1718